11.10.2011 · IPsec Site-to-Site This article assumes you have enabled IPSec on your OpenWrt router as described in the basics guide and the firewall guide. Now we want to build the first site to site tunnel. Topology The task to achive is the connectivity of our home (W)LAN with our company's networks. To make it not too easy we also want to access the company's
2 dager siden · I notice the package ipsec-tools is missing in OpenWrt 21.02. Am I the only one using the ipsec-tools? I know this package is well outdated, but what is the proper way to have ipsec-tools included in the official OpenWrt release? Thanks for your answers.
IPsec basics A quick starters guide based on OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14.07. Maybe it will save you and me time if one has to setup an IPsec VPN in the future. Hopefully it will encourage other people to use OpenWrt as an IPsec VPN router. We cannot provide a graphical user interface at the moment but at least it is a solid alternative to commercial IPsec appliances.
09.08.2018 · Hi, I'm using the new 18.06.0 and trying to get an IPsec site-to-site tunnel set up with an EdgeRouter Lite, but I seem to be having trouble getting the child SAs established. The log on the OpenWRT side says: Tue Jul 31 15:56:38 2018 authpriv.info ipsec: 08[IKE] initiating IKE_SA other-other_lan[3] to w.x.y.z Tue Jul 31 15:56:38 2018 daemon.info ipsec: 08[IKE] initiating …
15.09.2015 · Configuring IPsec IKEv1 with PSK and Xauth in openwrt 15.05 Although it's not recommended for large scale IPsec deployments because the Pre-Shared Key must be shared among users, IKEv1 with PSK and Xauth is an easy-to-deploy option and is well supported by mobile devices powered by iOS and Android.
19.01.2013 · strongSwan IPsec Configuration via UCI Linux Charon IPsec daemon can be configured through /etc/config/ipsec. Note: this has been updated to the swanctl-based configuration, and is current as of 5.9.2-12 packaging. For previous versions, use the Wiki's page history functionality.
27.09.2021 · Libreswan L2TP/IPsec This how-to explains how to configure an openwrt router to act as an L2TP/IPsec gateway (vpn server) using xl2tpd (for L2TP) and Libreswan (for IPsec). The new strongSwan documentation is currently missing an L2TP/IPsec page. Use this one as a reference for the
02.08.2021 · If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International