[OpenWrt Wiki] Log into your router running OpenWrt
openwrt.org › docs › guide-quick-startJul 30, 2021 · No matter what the address was before, OpenWrt simplifies this by setting the administration address to be At that page you should see a login page: (correct as of Barrier Breaker) As you'll see, there's a notification that “root” user's password is not set. root is the username of the main administrative user on OpenWrt.
openwrt.org › docs › guide-userJun 09, 2018 · LOG MESSAGES. In 12.09 The content of the membuffer that syslogd writes to, by default, consists of up to 16 KB utf-8/ ASCII encoded characters. Remember this if/when you use logger. To read the content of the membuffer that syslogd writes to, use the logread utility (for kernel messages use dmesg ). Let's have a look at the MESSAGES different ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] System configuration /etc/config/system
openwrt.org › docs › guide-userApr 09, 2021 · no log file : File to write log messages to (type file). The default is to not write a log in a file. The most often used location for a system log file is /var/log/messages. log_hostname: string : no (none) Hostname to send to remote syslog. If none is provided, the actual hostname is send. This feature is only present in 17.xx and later versions : log_ip
https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/perf_and_log/log.messages09.06.2018 · LOG MESSAGES. In 12.09 The content of the membuffer that syslogd writes to, by default, consists of up to 16 KB utf-8/ ASCII encoded characters. Remember this if/when you use logger. To read the content of the membuffer that syslogd writes to, use the logread utility (for kernel messages use dmesg ). Let's have a look at the MESSAGES different ...