How to properly remove LuCi from OpenWrt | Hamy - The IT Guy · While OpenWrt snapshot releases, deliberately exclude LuCi from the build, they are not suitable for production use. So that leaves us with OpenWrt stable releases which of course come with the LuCi packages built-in. In this post I’m going to give you two different methods for building your own customized firmware to exclude LuCi.
[OpenWrt Wiki] LuCI essentials › docs › guide-userLuCI essentials This article relies on the following: * Accessing OpenWrt CLI * Managing configurations * Managing packages * Managing services Introduction While OpenWrt can be managed completely using SSH and the terminal, the LuCI WebUI makes many administration tasks easier. The OpenWrt full releases, such as the current 18.06.x series, ship with the LuCI WebUI installed. But for lower ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] LuCI essentials essentials This article relies on the following: * Accessing OpenWrt CLI * Managing configurations * Managing packages * Managing services Introduction While OpenWrt can be managed completely using SSH and the terminal, the LuCI WebUI makes many administration tasks easier. The OpenWrt full releases, such as the current 18.06.x series, ship with the LuCI …