OpenWrt - Wikipedia (from open wireless router) is an open-source project for embedded operating systems based on Linux, primarily used on embedded devices to route network traffic. The main components are Linux, util-linux, musl, and BusyBox. All components have been optimized to be small enough to fit into the limited storage and memory available in home routers.
OpenWrt – Wikipedia er en kompakt Linuxdistribusjon utviklet for nettverkskomponenter, primært rutere. Operativsystemet brukes i en lang rekke kommersielle produkter, de fleste rettet mot konsumentmarkedet. Hovedkomponentene ved siden av Linuxkjernen er util-linux, uClibc, musl og BusyBox. Alle komponenter i systemet er optimalisert for oppgaven - minimal størrelse, maksimal ytelse.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Documentation · OpenWrt is a highly extensible GNU/Linux distribution for embedded devices (typically wireless routers). Unlike many other distributions for routers, OpenWrt is built from the ground up to be a full-featured, easily modifiable operating system for embedded devices.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Who operates this site? OpenWrt developers provide the facilities that make this site work, but are otherwise equal members of the community. A few of the top-level pages about the community's governing rules are on read-only pages. The majority of the site is open for registered members to edit and improve. Purpose The purpose of this site is to provide:
[OpenWrt Wiki] Welcome to the OpenWrt Project
https://openwrt.org04.09.2021 · Welcome to the OpenWrt Project The OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. Instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the …
[OpenWrt Wiki] Xiaomi › toh › xiaomiMar 29, 2018 · If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International