Install packages in Arch Linux from AUR - Tutorials and How ... › docs › articleInstall packages in Arch Linux from AUR. AUR (Arch User Repository) is a community-driven repository for Arch Linux users. AUR was created with the sole objective of organizing and sharing new packages from the community as well as expediting the inclusion of popular packages in the repository. It comes with package descriptions known as PKGBUILD that allow a user to compile a package from source using the makepkg command and later install it using the native pacman command.
Arch Linux - Package Search › packagesTry searching again using different criteria, or try searching the AUR to see if the package can be found there. You are browsing the Arch Linux package database. From here you can find detailed information about packages located in the official supported repositories.
How to Install and Remove Packages in Arch Linux › how-to-install-and-removeJan 20, 2021 · Although Arch Linux comes with Pacman as the default package manager, you can install other package managers such as Yay. Unlike Pacman, these package managers allow you to add new packages from the official Arch repository and the AUR (Arch User Repository). While other package managers have been used over the years, examples such as Yaourt and Aurman are no longer maintained. Consequently, Pacman and Yay are safer and more reliable package managers to rely on in Arch Linux.