Online Passive Voice Converter
https://www.passivevoiceconverter.comIn a passive voice sentence, the subject of an active voice sentence acts as an indirect object acted upon by the verb, and the object of the sentence takes the place of the direct subject. An example of a passive voice sentence is shown below: “An essay is written by me”
Documentation Skills in Aged Care - Progress Notes › archive › imagesUsing the active voice rather than the passive voice will get the message across more directly as the active voice places the focus on the doer of the action. Example: Active voice Passive voice Mrs Lee refused dinner. Dinner was refused by Mrs Lee The RN changed Mr Ford's bandage. Mr Ford's bandage was changed by the RN. Staff assisted Ms Free ...
How to Fix Passive Voice: The Dead-Simple Guide › fix-passive-voiceAvoiding passive voice will set you apart from much of your competition, but even better, it will give your writing a distinct ring of clarity. Scour your work-in-progress for passive voice, root it out, replace it with active, and see how much more powerfully it reads. That’s the kind of writing that gets more of an editor’s time.