Stop/Shutdown option of VM doesn't work : Proxmox › r › ProxmoxIt isn't Proxmox's fault that the VM or CT refuses to shutdown. If you have something running that is either hung, or takes an unreasonably long time to dhutdown, then you issues stop. If another software like ESX doesn't make you do this, it is doing underneath the hood so to speak and not revealing what it is doing.
Proxmox can't stop VM - How we fix it! › blog › proxmox-cant-stop-vmJan 13, 2020 · Then we click on the virtual machine. After that, we click on Stop. Thus, we stop the Virtual machine in Proxmox. Stop VM in Proxmox from CLI. To stop the VM from CLI we log in to the host node. We first find the VMID using the command. cat /etc/pve/.vmlist. Once we get the ID we use the below command to stop the virtual machine. qm stop <vmid ...