How to chose from LXC Container vs VM? Usecase? : Proxmox › r › ProxmoxI also think that you can take the VM and migrate it to a physical pc or another virtual environment easier than LXC. But it uses more resources to run the VM. If you want to run docker, I think the suggested solution is to run it in a VM not LXC. Alternatively you could run it directly on the proxmox host, but I don’t think that’s recommended.
lxc vs VM usage : Proxmox - reddit › r › ProxmoxVM if I want or need to run an OS that uses a different kernel than Proxmox. Otherwise I use LXC. 3. level 1. bertramt. 3 years ago. VM is the only real choice if you do live migration or high availability. If your on a single node migration and HA are a mute point.
LXC vs VM : Proxmox - reddit › r › ProxmoxVMs are fully virtualized. CTs (LXC) share the kernel and other host processes with the host. Because of this, on proxmox all CTs must be Linux-based. CTs are generally “lighter” on resources and faster than VMs. But let’s say you want to spin up a Windows Server instance, this would have to be a VM and not a CT. 9.