Docker vs Proxmox experience - reddit › docker_vs_proxmox_experiencereplace everything with clustered rancher and docker containers, rancher seems as an complete system for managing a cluster and infrastructure through a nice UI, same as proxmox does. replace one of the proxmox nodes with rancher, and just manage/deploy the self developed apps with docker. kubernetes or something similar, which just ...
Nextcloud on Docker on VM on Proxmox : Proxmox, my install is local and all my NC files are on a TrueNAS server, mounted via NFS to the docker host, and shared as a volume with NC. I use Traefik and Portainer as well (the docker host, a proxmox VM, runs 26 containers including grafana, minecraft, nzbhydra, sabnzbd, radarr, etc.) but hardly ever really do much with Portainer.
Docker in LXC vs VM : Proxmox - reddit › r › ProxmoxEven though LXC and Docker solve different use cases, there is enough similarity to inspire conversation (multiple subreddits have numerous "LXC vs. Docker" questions); you're not alone there. As a longtime Docker user who recently started using Proxmox, some thoughts: