17.09.2020 · You can´t use the PVE UI to connect to the OpenWRT console, but the container is still up and running PVE is short for Proxmox Virtual Environment PREPARE BUILD ENVIRONMENT It's recommended you use Debian or Ubuntu on the build system. The following additional packages are required on Ubuntu 18.04:
Login to your PVE web interface then click “Create VM” on the top right corner. Create VM Giving your OpenWrt VM a VM ID and the Name you like, click “Advanced” to check “Start at boot”. Then Next. VM ID, Name and Start at boot Check “Do not use any media”, then Next. Do not use any media Use the default setting for this page, and just click Next.
Wrapper script for creating/upgrading unprivileged lxc instances from OpenWrt ... This script or the resulting OpenWrt instances may work on older pve ...