since it is different directory from what pycharm knows hence your package is not showing in pycharm . Solution: just install the package using pycharm by going ...
02.10.2021 · However, I can’t see ‘requests’ module listed in PyCharm either. It’s obvious that I’m missing something here. Can you guys advise where should I look or what should I fix in order to get this module working? I was living under impression that when I install module via pip in my environment, PyCharm will detect these changes.
Pycharm Terminal Does not recognize local modules. I have a project that I am working on that structurally looks like the the thing in the picture. When I was importing local modules in the editor itself, it did not throw any No Module Found Errors. Additionally, when I run the file using the configurations ("The little green triangle ...
I am using OpenCV 3 and python 2.7 and coding using PyCharm. The code works fine but PyCharm does not recognize cv2 as a module. It underlines it with a red line, so it doesn't display its functions in the intellisence menu. I tried to set an …
Pycharm is unable to recognize installed local modules, since python interpreter selected is wrong. It should be the one, where your pip packages are installed i.e. virtual environment. I had installed packages via pip in Windows.
21.11.2019 · from my_module import <some_packages> I get: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my_module' Now, when I go and `docker exec -it <my_container> /bin/bash` into my container, I can `cd` into the instances working directory and manually run python (or ipython), and import the module. But it doesn't work in pycharm.
12.07.2018 · Seems like the interpreter selected isn't where you think it is. If you're using a different interpreter than the system's default, it won't load the modules. To add the modules in PyCharm, go to your Settings, Project Interpreter, the Add Button, and install it with PyCharm's integrated package management.