pysftp Documentation - Read the Docs › pdf › pysftppysftp Documentation, Release 0.2.8 from octal to int so you won’t recognize it at first. This function clips the extra bits and hands you the file mode bits in a way you’ll recognize. >>>attr=sftp.stat('readme.txt') >>>attr.st_mode 33188 >>>pysftp.st_mode_to_int(attr.st_mode) 644 4.1.11 pysftp.Connection.chown()
pysftp - PyPI · Change Log. 0.2.9 (current, released 2016-07-04) bugfix: correctly implement hostcheck. Now, be default pysftp will verify the host. See pysftp.CnOpts.hostkeys; added pysftp.Connection.remote_server_key - used to retrieve the remote hosts server key.; added support for enabling compression, compression (J. Kruth) added .active_compression, to …
pysftp Documentation - Read the Docs › pdf › pysftppysftp Documentation, Release 0.2.9 4.1.12 pysftp.Connection.chown() pysftp’s method allows you to specify just, gid or the uid or both. If either gid or uid is None (default), then pysftp does a stat to get the current ids and uses that to fill in the missing parameter because the underlying paramiko method requires that you explicitly set both.
pysftp Documentation - Read the Docs › pdf › pysftppysftp Documentation, Release 0.2.7 mkdir(remotepath, mode=777) Create a directory named remotepath with mode. On some systems, mode is ignored. Where it is used, the current umask value is first masked out. Parameters • remotepath (str) – directory to create‘ • mode (int) – int representation of octal mode for directory, default 777 Returns None