Well, the OP did ask if there was a way from within a Python script, so I don't think it was too far a leap to think he was looking for a way to detect a Python module dependency. Still, point taken, I hope I've more properly qualified my answer.
How to List Installed Python Packages The Pip, Pipenv, Anaconda Navigator, and Conda Package Managers can all be used to list installed Python packages. You can also use the ActiveState Platform’s command line interface (CLI), the State Tool to list all installed packages using a simple “state packages” command.
Example 1: check package version python import packagename print(packagename.__version__) Example 2: bash check if python package is installed $ python2 -m ...
If package_name matches multiple installed packages e.g. searching for boto when botocore is also installed, then using -w instead of -F can help, as @TaraPrasadGurung suggests. This doesn't list the exact package, as -w sees characters common in package names as word boundaries.
import pip installed_packages = pip.get_installed_distributions() installed_packages will have only the packages has been installed with pip. On my system pip freeze returns over 40 python modules, while installed_packages has only 1, the one I installed manually (python-nmap).
Sep 21, 2021 · To view a list of installed Python packages in your currently active project using the ActiveState Platform, run the following command on the command line: state show packages. The output is a full list of installed packages in your current project: matplotlib numpy pandas scikit-learn scipy. You can also obtain a complete software bill of ...
You should use pip's listcommand with grep, that only lists installed packages (not all modules and their neighbours as well): pip list | grep -F package_name If package_name matches multiple installed packages e.g. searching for botowhen botocoreis also installed, then using -winstead of -Fcan help, as @TaraPrasadGurung suggests.
22.02.2015 · Warning: It is highly recommended to install python-modules using official Ubuntu repository only and not to use the pip method as superuser(i.e., as root or using sudo). In some cases it may leave your system unusable by breaking system python. How to install packages using pip into local virtual environment.
Use Python code to check if a package is installed in python using yum: def is_installed (package_name): return "not installed" in commands.getstatusoutput ("rpm -q " + package_name) [1] Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications. answered Sep 1 …
What's a good way to check if a package is installed while within a Python script? I know it's easy from the interpreter, but I need to do it within a ...
import pip installed_packages = pip.get_installed_distributions() installed_packages will have only the packages has been installed with pip. On my system pip freeze returns over 40 python modules, while installed_packages has only 1, the one I installed manually (python-nmap).
Nov 28, 2019 · Installed packages are kept in this directory: C:\Python\Lib\site-packages. There is a pip command called list. Use this command to see all packages you have installed. There are also some options to use along with this command. See the " pip list documentation for more information.