Python YAML: How to Load, Read, and Write YAML • Python Land ... › data-processing › python-yamlFeb 26, 2022 · The most used python YAML parser is PyYAML, a library that allows you to load, parse, and write YAML, much like Python’s JSON library helps you to work with JSON. In this article, you learn how to load, read, and write YAML files with PyYAML.
Python YAML - working with YAML in Python - ZetCode · Python YAML tutorial shows how to work with the the YAML format in Python. We use the pyyaml module. YAML format YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data-serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files, but it is also used in data storage (e.g. debugging output) or transmission (e.g. document headers).