Examples — PyTorch/Elastic master documentation
pytorch.org › elastic › 0Note. PyTorch data loaders use shm.The default docker shm-size is not large enough and will OOM when using multiple data loader workers. You must pass --shm-size to the docker run command or set the number of data loader workers to 0 (run on the same process) by passing the appropriate option to the script (use the --help flag to see all script options).
Examples — PyTorch-Ignite v0.4.7 Documentation
pytorch.org › ignite › examplesThese examples are ported from pytorch/examples. Notebooks Text Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks Variational Auto Encoders Training Cycle-GAN on Horses to Zebras with Nvidia/Apex Another training Cycle-GAN on Horses to Zebras with Native Torch CUDA AMP Finetuning EfficientNet-B0 on CIFAR100