17.10.2020 · PyTorch Lightning has logging to TensorBoard built in. In this example, neither the training loss nor the validation loss decrease. Trick 2: Logging the Histogram of Training Data
Dice Loss¶. The Dice coefficient, or Dice-Sørensen coefficient, is a common metric for pixel segmentation that can also be modified to act as a loss ...
24.09.2020 · Dice Loss -> Used in U-Net and other segmentation models. Sigmoid Focal Loss -> Modification of Focal loss for segmentation. Huber loss -> Used in efficnet Det and similar loss. Implemented here; Unsure of losses in audio and text domains. Someone can add them here as well. Alternatives. Wait for them to reach into fvcore or PyTorch. Till then ...
From MONAI v0.7 we introduced PyTorch Tensor based computation in transforms, ... these loss functions are implemented in PyTorch, such as DiceLoss ...
30.08.2020 · Hi, I am having issues with Dice Loss and Pytorch Ignite. I am trying to reproduce the result of Ternausnet using dice loss but my gradients keep being zero and loss just does not improve or shows very strange results (negative, nan, etc). I am not sure where to look for a possible source of the issue. Below is the code for DiceLoss: from torch import nn from …
Medical image segmentation with TorchIO, MONAI & PyTorch Lightning ... We will use as loss function a combination of Dice (also known as $F_1$-score) and ...
Passing training strategies (e.g., "ddp") to accelerator has been deprecated in v1.5.0 and will be removed in v1.7.0. Please use the strategy argument instead. accumulate_grad_batches. Accumulates grads every k batches or as set up in the dict. Trainer also calls optimizer.step () for the last indivisible step number.
01.07.2020 · With PyTorch Lightning 0.8.1 we added a feature that has been requested many times by our community: Metrics. This feature is designed to be used with PyTorch Lightning as well as with any other ...
As for my own use-case, differentiable_dice_score closely resembles the functional dice_score (it has the same API) provided in the Metrics package, only it is the loss version of the dice coefficient that is differentiable and can be backproped through to train models.
Here are a few examples of custom loss functions that I came across in this Kaggle Notebook. It provides implementations of the following custom loss functions in PyTorch as well as TensorFlow. Loss Function Reference for Keras & PyTorch. I hope this will be helpful for anyone looking to see how to make your own custom loss functions. Dice Loss
Depending on where log is called from, Lightning auto-determines the correct logging mode for you. But of course you can override the default behavior by manually setting the log () parameters. def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): self.log("my_loss", loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, logger=True) The log () method has a ...
LightningModule. manual_backward (loss, * args, ** kwargs) [source] Call this directly from your training_step() when doing optimizations manually. By using this, Lightning can ensure that all the proper scaling gets applied when using mixed precision. See manual optimization for more examples. Example: