Quadratic/Cubic versus Linear interpolations
abrobecker.free.fr/text/quad.htmSo, we have an easy way of computing quadratic interpolation, with only two additions per point, and by choosing m<=5 (ie at most 32 points interpolated) i was able to mix inc1 and inc2 in a single register. I must say the whole is really fast (provided you have an ARM and are programming in assembly ;) and very nice.
people.math.sc.edu › Quadratic_InterpolationMETHOD OF QUADRATIC INTERPOLATION 5 (2.10) x k+2 = 1 2 (x k 1+x k)+ 1 2 (f k 1 f k)(f k f k+1)(f k+1 f k 1) (x k x k+1)f k 1 + (x k+1 x k 1)f k+ (x k 1 x k)f k+1 This method di ers slightly from the previous two methods, because it is not as simple to determine the new bracketing interval. If x min lies between x 1 and x 3, then we want to compare the distance between x min and x 2. If jx min x
Polynomial interpolation - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial_interpolationPolynomials can be used to approximate complicated curves, for example, the shapes of letters in typography, given a few points. A relevant application is the evaluation of the natural logarithm and trigonometric functions: pick a few known data points, create a lookup table, and interpolate between those data points. This results in significantly faster computations. Polynomial interpolation also forms the basis for algorithms in numerical quadrature and numerical ordinary …
INTERPOLATION - University of Iowa
homepage.divms.uiowa.edu › ~atkinson › ftpQUADRATIC INTERPOLATION We want to find a polynomial P2(x)=a0 + a1x+ a2x2 which satisfies P2(xi)=yi,i=0,1,2 for given data points (x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2). One formula for such a polynomial follows: P2(x)=y0L0(x)+y1L1(x)+y2L2(x)(∗∗) with L0(x)= (x−x1)(x−x2) (x0−x1)(x0−x2),L1(x)= (x−x0)(x−x2) (x1−x0)(x1−x2) L2(x)= (x−x0)(x−x1)
Linear interpolation - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolationIf the two known points are given by the coordinates and , the linear interpolant is the straight line between these points. For a value x in the interval , the value y along the straight line is given from the equation of slopes which can be derived geometrically from the figure on the right. It is a special case of polynomial interpolation with n = 1.
Engineering at Alberta Courses » Quadratic Spline Interpolation
engcourses-uofa.ca › books › numericalanalysisUse scheme 2 of quadratic interpolation to find the interpolating function given the following 5 data points (-1, 0.038) (-0.8, 0.058), (-0.60, 0.10), (-0.4, 0.20), (-0.2, 0.5) Solution. The five data points with four intervals (). intervals for the quadratic interpolation functions are defined between the points . Therefore, there are unknowns. The following are the nine equations according to scheme 2 to be solved to find the unknowns: