Sunderland - Quantafuel Quantafuel works to promote sustainable development in all our projects. With our plant in Esbjerg, Quantafuel intends to contribute to resolving a major global waste problem by transforming plastic waste into chemically-recycled products that can be used by the chemical industry to manufacture new plastic products. Read more
Quantafuel : Q4-21 | MarketScreener › quote › stockFeb 28, 2022 · Quantafuel believes that the Esbjerg development will be a game-changer for the post-consumer plastic waste market in Denmark. There is a great need for plastic waste sorting capacity as Denmark has set very high targets for recycling of plastic waste and our Esbjerg plant will be a major contributor for the country to reach its ambitious targets.
Esbjerg - Quantafuel › esbjergEsbjerg Quantafuel works to promote sustainable development in all our projects. With our plant in Esbjerg, Quantafuel intends to contribute to resolving a major global waste problem by transforming plastic waste into chemically-recycled products that can be used by the chemical industry to manufacture new plastic products.
Esbjerg - Quantafuel Quantafuel works to promote sustainable development in all our projects. With our plant in Esbjerg, Quantafuel intends to contribute to resolving a major global waste problem by transforming plastic waste into chemically-recycled products that can be used by the chemical industry to manufacture new plastic products.
Home - Quantafuel
www.quantafuel.comPollution Solution. Quantafuel upgrades plastic waste into valuable products that are in high demand. The entire value chain is circular, and production takes place by means of chemical recycling at Quantafuel’s facilities.
News - Quantafuel Quantafuel we are equally motivated by the magnitude of the environmental challenges we are facing and the business opportunities presented. We welcome public interest in our business and will provide transparent information whenever commercially appropriate.