Quantafuel - Emneside | DN
https://www.dn.no/topic/Quantafuel07.02.2022 · Quantafuel-aksjen stuper etter nedstengning av Skive-anlegget: – Jeg tror investorer nå tenker at dette er i overkant krevende, sier analytiker. – Dette er en veldig uheldig situasjon for oss, sier Quantefuel-sjef Lars Rosenløv etter at selskapet …
QUANTAFUEL (QFUEL) aksje | Nordnet
www.nordnet.no › market › stocks16. mar. · Vis innlegg. Quantafuel ASA | Update on Quantafuel’s Skive plant Quantafuel has completed the repair work for the first two lines, and the plant is gradually returning into production. Both lines have been tested in production and have converted plastics at high.
Home - Quantafuel
https://www.quantafuel.comWe are Quantafuel. Quantafuel develops technology that is contributing to solving the global waste problem. In collaboration with dedicated partners, we have achieved the combined goals of recycling low-quality plastic and sustainable waste management.
Home - Quantafuel
www.quantafuel.comQuantafuel develops technology that is contributing to solving the global waste problem. In collaboration with dedicated partners, we have achieved the combined goals of recycling low-quality plastic and sustainable waste management. The Challenge
Quantafuel - LinkedIn
no.linkedin.com › company › quantafuelQuantafuel | 7 824 følgere på LinkedIn. Chemical recycling of plastic waste | Quantafuel is a technology-based energy company converting waste plastics back into low-carbon synthetic oil products replacing virgin oil products. Quantafuel is establishing, operating and owning dedicated plastic-to-liquid (PtL) plants and plans to establish several plants throughout Europe and beyond ...
Quantafuel - Emneside | DN
www.dn.no › topic › QuantafuelFeb 07, 2022 · Quantafuel 11.02.2022 Jan Petter Sissener tapte nærmere ni millioner kroner i løpet av en drøy uke på Quantafuel-investering: – Jeg synes det lukter vondt En drøy uke etter at Quantafuel hentet 400 millioner kroner, falt aksjen som en stein. –Vi orket ikke bruke tid på det og pælmet kortene… 08.02.2022 Thor Chr. Jensen
Kristiansund - Quantafuel
www.quantafuel.com › KristiansundQuantafuel’s pilot plant in Kristiansund is part of the next generation PtL plants. The plant is co-located with Replast’s facilities for mechanical recycling of plastic waste. Results from the pilot plant will be used as the basis for the full-scale plant to be built on the same premises. Setting up the pilot plant at Replast’s ...
DN Investor
https://investor.dn.no/#!/Aksje/S1339/QFUEL-ME/QuantafuelEtt brennkammer er allerede fraktet til valgt underleverandør, og neste kammer følger om kort tid», heter det i meldingen. Quantafuel med ny oppdatering – venter produksjon på Skive-fabrikken i midten av mars www.dn.no. Dagens Næringsliv er Norges viktigste leverandør av nyheter, historier og meninger om næringsliv, økonomi og samfunn ...