quantafuel | Finansavisen
https://finansavisen.no/tema/quantafuelQuantafuel-aksjen hentet igjen litt av det tapte etter nyheter om at anlegget i Skive snart er på beina, men analytiker mener det er for tidlig å juble. Heller salt i såret på Quantafuel-eierne – Det er lettere å lure folk, enn å overbevise dem om at de er blitt lurt, sier Øystein Stray Spetalen, etter nok en skuffelse og børskrakk i Quantafuel.
Financial news - Quantafuel
https://www.quantafuel.com/financial-newsQuantafuel ASA (QFUEL) is a Norwegian technology based energy company converting underutilised hydrocarbon resources into high-quality chemical recycled products. Quantafuel reached an important milestone in the company’s history in September 2020 when starting transforming plastic waste into liquid products at our plant in Skive, Denmark.
Financial news - Quantafuel
www.quantafuel.com › financial-newsQuantafuel ASA (QFUEL) is a Norwegian technology based energy company converting underutilised hydrocarbon resources into high-quality chemical recycled products. Quantafuel reached an important milestone in the company’s history in September 2020 when starting transforming plastic waste into liquid products at our plant in Skive, Denmark.
News - Quantafuel
https://www.quantafuel.com/newsNews At Quantafuel we are equally motivated by the magnitude of the environmental challenges we are facing and the business opportunities presented. We welcome public interest in our business and will provide transparent information whenever commercially appropriate.
Quantafuel : Q4-21 | MarketScreener
www.marketscreener.com › quote › stockFeb 28, 2022 · Quantafuel is progressing as planned with its Esbjerg development in Denmark. In the beginning of February 2022, an agreement was signed with Eggersmann, a leading supplier of waste sorting equipment. The contract includes engineering and reserves Quantafuel a firm manufacturing slot that secures our schedule for the project.
News - Quantafuel
www.quantafuel.com › newsNews At Quantafuel we are equally motivated by the magnitude of the environmental challenges we are facing and the business opportunities presented. We welcome public interest in our business and will provide transparent information whenever commercially appropriate.