Quantafuel - Emneside | DN
https://www.dn.no/topic/Quantafuel19.10.2021 · Quantafuel-aksjen på det laveste på over et år: – Ikke noe røverkjøp, mener Nordea-forvalter. Quantafuel-aksjen falt ti prosent fra start tirsdag etter at selskapet meldte om kostnadsoverskridelser i Danmark. Nordea Fondene er glad for at de har dumpet det meste av sine aksjer i selskapet.
Home - Quantafuel
https://www.quantafuel.comWe are Quantafuel. Quantafuel develops technology that is contributing to solving the global waste problem. In collaboration with dedicated partners, we have achieved the combined goals of recycling low-quality plastic and sustainable waste management.
Skive - Quantafuel
https://www.quantafuel.com/skiveQuantafuel’s first commercial production facility is located in Skive, Denmark. The chemical recycling plant is the first of its kind in the world and is a major milestone for the company. All liquid products manufactured in Skive will be shipped to BASF, who will upgrade the recycled material to new plastic products and chemicals, creating a circular economy for plastic waste.
Ticker: QFUEL | Finansavisen Forum
https://finansavisen.no/forum/ticker/QFUELForum Ticker Siste Innlegg Svar Lest Av; Grønne aksjer: QFUEL 22:17: Quantafuel signs MoU with ENOC and Dubal Holding LLC (DH) 3300 Hoarder 16.12.2021; Forum Ticker Siste Innlegg Svar Lest Av; Grønne aksjer: QFUEL 12:20: Tildelt 13,7 millioner kroner fra forskningsradet 389 tsevni 10.12.2021; Forum Ticker Siste Innlegg Svar Lest Av; Grønne ...