05.11.2019 · Download Lesson Plan (PDF) 88 KB. Below is a preview of the 'Reported Speech Discussion Questions' lesson plan and is automatically generated from the PDF file. While it will look close to the original, there may be formatting differences. It's provided to allow you to view the content of the lesson plan before you download the file. « Previous.
Try These Top 9 ESL Activities for Reported Speech · 1. Reported Speech Card Games. For some students, the best way to learn Reported Speech is by reading the ...
05.09.2012 · Reported Speech Card Games. For some students, the best way to learn Reported Speech is by reading the statements they have to report. This is why we often write them on the board. Try these card games instead! For the first game, prepare a set of index card each with a direct speech statement on one side and the indirect statement on the other.
03.03.2021 · Reported Speech Dialogue Exercises For Class 10 Cbse With Answers PDF Reporting of the words of a speaker in one’s own words is called Narration. There are two ways of reporting what people say: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech. Direct Speech. The actual words of the speaker using quotation marks are called Direct Speech. Indirect Speech.
Practice with pictures and listening using multiple intelligences can help make lessons more entertaining and engaging. 1 Reported speech listening/speaking (with audio and answers) Reported speech is an essential but sometimes overlooked aspect of English grammar. This is a fairly elementary exercise.
Liz: "It was my first trip. I can show you some pictures. Are you doing anything tomorrow?" Mike: "I must arrange a couple of things. But I am free tonight."
Fun ways of practising Reported Speech Alex Case offers 15 ideas for getting learners to use indirect speech 1. Reported speech reversi Prepare cards with reported speech on one side and direct speech of the same sentence on the other. Students have to correctly say what is on the other side to turn it over and score one point.
20.03.2009 · Reported speech includes some rather tricky transformations that need to be practiced repeatedly before students feel comfortable using reported …
Instructions Connection Error Transcript We use reported speech when we want to tell someone what someone said. We usually use a reporting verb (e.g. say, tell, ask, etc.) and then change the tense of what was actually said in direct speech. So, …
12.06.2017 · When summarizing a conversation, it is natural to use reported speech. After listening to and reading a dialogue, ask students to practice summarizing it. This type of task can be done orally or in writing. Summarize how Clarissa broke the ice with the detective. Teaching Reported Speech
First, students read a short dialogue and underline all the modal verbs. Students then write the modal verbs in the order that they are found in the dialogue ...
The number of exercises will teach you to learn reported speech in English grammar. Exercises in reporting speech, rewrite the following into indirect speech. Interview questions and answers for reported speech. leanr and improve your english knowledge through grammar in english.