ordinary differential equations - Issue using Matlab RK2 Code ...
math.stackexchange.com › questions › 2494797Oct 29, 2017 · I have written the code for the RK2 Method in Matlab as: function [w, t, h] = rk2 (dom, f, w0, h) % A naive implementation of RK2 method. % Inputs: % dom: time domain % f: an anonymous function defined by the RHS of original ODE IVP % y0: initial value % h: step size T = diff (dom); N = ceil (T/h); h = T/N; t = dom (1):h:dom (2); w = zeros (N+1, 1); w (1) = w0; for i = 1:N k1 = h*f (t (i), w (i)); k2 = h*f (t (i)+h/2, w (i)+k1/2); w (i+1) = w (i) + k2; % midpoint method end end.
RK2 Starter Scheme - MATLAB & Simulink
www.mathworks.com › matlabcentral › answersDec 07, 2019 · elseif n == 2 % RK2 Starter Scheme. for j = 1:length (x) k1 (1,j) = dTdt (T (j-1,n), T (j,n), T (j+1,n)); end. % code that will be polulated by k2 and calculate the time step we are interseted in. else % Will have the bulk of the problem (leap frog method) end. end. But then an index of zero occurs and MATLAB can't handle that.
using runge kutta RK2 on matlab
in.mathworks.com › matlabcentral › answersCommented: Mohamed Ellabban about 2 hours ago. Task: You have to use this method to solve the following IVP: An RL circuit has an emf of 5 V, a resistance of 50 Ω, an inductance of 1 H, and no initial. current ( i.e i (1)=0). Find the current in the circuit at any time t. The formula is: Ri+L (di/dt)=V. Sign in to answer this question.