using runge kutta RK2 on matlab › matlabcentral › answersCommented: Mohamed Ellabban about 2 hours ago. Task: You have to use this method to solve the following IVP: An RL circuit has an emf of 5 V, a resistance of 50 Ω, an inductance of 1 H, and no initial. current ( i.e i (1)=0). Find the current in the circuit at any time t. The formula is: Ri+L (di/dt)=V. Sign in to answer this question.
ordinary differential equations - Issue using Matlab RK2 Code ... › questions › 2494797Oct 29, 2017 · I have written the code for the RK2 Method in Matlab as: function [w, t, h] = rk2 (dom, f, w0, h) % A naive implementation of RK2 method. % Inputs: % dom: time domain % f: an anonymous function defined by the RHS of original ODE IVP % y0: initial value % h: step size T = diff (dom); N = ceil (T/h); h = T/N; t = dom (1):h:dom (2); w = zeros (N+1, 1); w (1) = w0; for i = 1:N k1 = h*f (t (i), w (i)); k2 = h*f (t (i)+h/2, w (i)+k1/2); w (i+1) = w (i) + k2; % midpoint method end end.
RK2 Starter Scheme - MATLAB & Simulink › matlabcentral › answersDec 07, 2019 · elseif n == 2 % RK2 Starter Scheme. for j = 1:length (x) k1 (1,j) = dTdt (T (j-1,n), T (j,n), T (j+1,n)); end. % code that will be polulated by k2 and calculate the time step we are interseted in. else % Will have the bulk of the problem (leap frog method) end. end. But then an index of zero occurs and MATLAB can't handle that.