Russian – ALA-LC transliteration system › transliteration › enTransliteration system: ALA-LC. ALA-LC is a set of standards for the romanization, or representation of texts in other writing systems using the Latin alphabet. This label includes the initials of the American Library Association (ALA) and the Library of Congress (LC). This system is used to represent bibliographic names by North American ...
Universeller Text-Transliterator Kyrillischen ins ... Online-Transliteration - Zeichen-Translator Russische Texte, Sätze oder Wörter transliterieren (Translit, SEV (GOST 16876-71), ISO 9A, ISO 9B (ISO 9-95), ALA-LC, BSI (British Standard), BGN/PCGN, UN, WT, DIN 1460 und Duden). Kyrillisch - Lateinisch Translit RU-EN-RU - Universeller Text-Transliterator für russische Sprahe
Транслит по-русски
https://translit.netТранслит, Русская клавиатура, SEO-транслит, Мобильный транслит С помощью транслитератора из букв латинского алфавита получаются буквы кириллицы, иврита, белорусского, украинского и других алфавитов.
Translit RU/EN: Russian Translit, Transliteration and Virtual ...
translit.ccThe word Transliteration comes from Latin transliteratus (trans-"across" + littera "letter"). Transliteration is the method of representing letters or words of one alphabet in the characters of another alphabet or script. A special case, when transliteration applied to Russian letters to represent them in Latin characters is called Translit.