Contribute to serverless/serverless-python-requirements development by creating an ... call `pip install` inside a container - useful for packages that have ...
sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements This will automatically add the plugin to your project's package.json and the plugins section of its serverless.yml. That's all that's needed for basic use! The plugin will now bundle your python dependencies specified in your requirements.txt or Pipfile when you run sls deploy.
Install any dependencies with pip - note that in CLI you can tell if venv is active by the venv to the left of the terminal text. (venv) $ pip install <NAME> (venv) $ pip freeze > requirements.txt. Make sure you have opened docker then deploy serverless as normal. $ serverless deploy. What will happen is that serverless-python-requirements will ...
sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements This will automatically add the plugin to your project’s package.json and the plugins section of its serverless.yml. That’s all that’s needed for basic use! The plugin will now bundle your python dependencies specified in your requirements.txt or Pipfile when you run sls deploy.
04.11.2021 · sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements This will automatically add the plugin to your project's package.json and the plugins section of its serverless.yml. That's all that's needed for basic use! The plugin will now bundle your python dependencies specified in your requirements.txt or Pipfile when you run sls deploy.
serverless-python-requirements has no Pipelines yet. Setup your project to start running Pipelines. If you ran jobs before Pipelines were enabled you can ...
Learn more about serverless-python-common-requirements: package health score, popularity, security, ... npm install serverless-python-common-requirements ...
Serverless Python Requirements A Serverless v1.x plugin to automatically bundle dependencies from requirements.txtand make them available in your PYTHONPATH. Requires Serverless >= v1.34 Install sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements This will automatically add the plugin to your project's package.jsonand the plugins section of its