Present Simple Passive - · Present Simple Passive is used to talk about some actions that are performed in the present or repeatedly (habits), simple statements of fact or universal truth.. The agents of such actions may be denoted with ‘by’: This work is performed by a new company.; The beach is cleaned every morning.; Oranges are imported from Paraguay.; Present Simple Passive structure
Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense | EnglishLamp › grammar › passive-voiceIn passive voice of simple present tense - positive, negative, interrogative and negative interrogative, we use past participle (third form) of verb. Keep in mind that we should arrange the sentence in the following form-. Active sentence- subject + am / is/ are/base form of verb + object. Passive sentence- object of the active sentence + am / is / are + past participle ( third form ) of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence.