Sogang University Korean Language Education Center University Korean Language Education Center. Korean for. General Purposes kgp200. Korean for General Purposes kgp200. Program for students wanting to improve communication skills needed for daily life. More View. Korean for. Academic Purposes kap200. Korean for Academic Purposes kap200.
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center from side to side. 1 For those who cannot continue the school due to the refusal of a visa or extension of stay duration, 100% of tuition is refundable. 2 When you apply for a refund, your visa (D-4) will be canceled. If a language tranining visa (D-4) holder cancels the Korean language course, the departure (return the alien ...
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center Documents. Application, copy of passport, one photo ( 3.5cm×4.5cm, white background, taken within 6 months ), fees. Certificate of alien registration. Document issued by language education institution (Sogang University Korean Language Education Center) such as a certificate of admission, etc.
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center Language Education Center, Sogang University 35 Baekbeom-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 04107, KOREA TEL (82-2) 705.8088~9 FAX (82-2) 701.6692 E-mail,Europe)
서강대학교 한국어교육원 - Sogang서강대학교 한국어교육원. 일반목적 과정 kgp200. 일반목적과정 kgp200. 실생활에 필요한 의사소통능력 향상을. 희망하는 학습자를 위한 프로그램입니다. 과정소개 바로가기. 학문목적 과정 kap200. 학문목적과정 kap200. 한국에서 대학 또는 대학원에 진학하기를.