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sogang university graduate school

wwwe - Professional Graduate Schools - Sogang University
Sogang University Graduate School of Metaverse is equipped with advanced facilities and equipments that are necessary for nurturing sophisticated professionals. At Metaverse center, there are digital radio and television studio, multiMetaverse hall, off-line editorial room, recording room, film production room, focus room, reference room and so on.
wwwe - Admissions - Sogang University
Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Sogang University is offering 4 multidisciplinary programs. All programs are offered in English. GSIS has focused to educate a small number of elite students.
wwwe - Professional Graduate Schools - Sogang University
https://wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe
Homepage · Academics. Sogang GSIS offers professional master's degree program in four specialty areas. · International Relations (including National Intelligence ...
wwwe - Academics - Sogang University
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Deeply rooted in the 460-year-old tradition of Jesuit education and its Catholic vision of the world, the Graduate School of Sogang University was founded in March of 1968 to foster leadership and the intellectual potential of its students through the continuing education and research.
wwwe - Academics - Sogang University
https://wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe
About 1,594 students are currently pursuing Masters and Doctoral degrees at the Graduate School, and as of 2015, Sogang University has awarded 10,601 Masters ...
Graduate School - Introduction - Sogang
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Welcome to the Graduate School of Sogang University. The academic mission of the Graduate School extends far beyond the acquirement of established knowledge, to challenge and develop new theories and ideas so that scholarship and innovation may meet to create new truths and wisdom for the future.
wwwe - Academics - Sogang University
Deeply rooted in the 460-year-old tradition of Jesuit education and its Catholic vision of the world, the Graduate School of Sogang University was founded in March of 1968 to foster leadership and the intellectual potential of its students through the continuing education and research.
서강대학교-Graduate School - egradsch.sogang.ac.kr
Graduate School of Sogang University, 35 Baekbeom-ro(Sinsu-Dong), Mapo-Gu, Seoul, 04107, Korea Tel. +82-2-705-8168~9 Fax.+82-2-705-8166 E-mail. gradsch@sogang.ac.kr
Graduate School - Introduction - Sogang
Deeply rooted in the 460-year-old tradition of Jesuit education and its Catholic vision of the world, the Graduate School of Sogang University was founded in March of 1968 to foster leadership and the intellectual potential of its students through the continuing education and research.
Graduate School - 서강대학교
Graduate School MAINVISUAL. Graduate School of Sogang University, 35 Baekbeom-ro(Sinsu-Dong), Mapo-Gu, Seoul, 04107, Korea Tel. +82-2-705-8168~9 Fax.
wwwe - Special Graduate Schools - Sogang University
wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe › graduate_03_00_1
Sogang University Graduate School of Public Policy was established in November 1987 to nurture professional talents who can lead human resources of Korea within rapidly changing environment in 21st century. The changes of global order in 21st century requires development of international relationship studies based on various regional population.
wwwe - Special Graduate Schools - Sogang University
https://wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe
Sogang University Graduate School of Public Policy was established in November 1987 to nurture professional talents who can lead human resources of Korea ...
26 (Sat) 09:30~Until closing : Oral/Interview Test. (Economics Department 2021. 6. 25 (Fri) 09:30~) 4. Announcement of Admission Test Result : 2021. 7. 8 (Thu) 14:00 Graduate School Homepage. ※ For more information, please refer to ADMISSION > Admission Guide for International Students.
wwwe - Special Graduate Schools - Sogang University
Sogang University Graduate School of Public Policy was established in November 1987 to nurture professional talents who can lead human resources of Korea within rapidly changing environment in 21st century. The changes of global order in 21st century requires development of international relationship studies based on various regional population.
Sogang GSIS - 서강대학교
GSIS. Graduate School of International Studies ... Address: Dasan Hall #526, GSIS, Sogang University, #35 Baekbeom-Ro, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 04107, KOREA.
Admission - Graduate School
https://egradsch.sogang.ac.kr › egr...
See further information on Admission Guideline for International Students. Graduate School of Sogang University, 35 ...
Graduate School - Regulations - egradsch.sogang.ac.kr
(objectives) the objectives of the graduate schools of sogang university (hereafter referred to as the graduate school) shall be to pursue in greater depth the purpose of university education as defined in article 1 of the sogang university regulations by cultivating a high degree of proficiency and creativity in pursuing truth and scholarly …
Overview of graduate programs with most international students
https://wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe
Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Sogang University is offering 4 multidisciplinary programs. All programs are offered in English. GSIS has ...
Graduate School - Admission - Sogang
egradsch.sogang.ac.kr › egradsch › egradsch02_1
Admission of International Students for 2022 Spring semester will be processed by following the admission guide. ※ Due to the spread of Covid-19, outsiders are not allowed to enter the school, so please send the relevant document by REGISTERED MAIL. ※ [Attachments] Required Documents for Admission must be submitted. 2021. 11. 10 (Wed) 09:00 ...
Sogang University
35 Baekbeom-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 04107, Korea. Copyright © Sogang University. All rights reserved.
wwwe - Professional Graduate Schools - Sogang University
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Sogang University Graduate School of Metaverse was established in September 1999 with the university’s interest towards education and research in Metaverse area. Graduate School of Metaverse provides MFA, MA, MS and PhD degree programs in three majors: Film & Metaverse Arts, Cultural Contents and Metaverse Technology & Art Technology.
Sogang - 서강대학교-일반대학원
Graduate School of Sogang University. ... 본관 307호 대학원 행정팀 E-mail. gradsch@sogang.ac.kr / FAX. 02-705-8166 TEL. 입시·병무 02-705-8168, 학사·졸업 02-705-8169, 등록·장학 02-705-8217, 학점교환 02-705-7973 COPYRIGHT(C) SOGANG UNIVERSITY.
wwwe - Professional Graduate Schools - Sogang University
https://wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe
Sogang University Graduate School of Theology is an Jesuit educational institution established in December 15, 1994. In accordance with the objectives to ...
wwwe - Admissions - Sogang University
wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe › admissionprograms01
The full-time MBA program at Sogang Business School also has a second-to-none dual degree agreement with top-ranking global business schools, including University of Minnesota, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign and Cass School of Business in London. Graduate programs at Sogang Business School are designed as education and research and ...
wwwe - Special Graduate Schools - Sogang University
Active interchange with other graduate schools is one of the merits the Graduate School of Media & Communication in Sogang University has. The Graduate School of Media & Communication allows credit exchange among other graduate school in Sogang University and is extending credit exchange to abroad like America, Australia, and Europe.