wwwe - Admissions - Sogang University
wwwe.sogang.ac.kr › wwwe › admissionprogramsThe undergraduate program at Sogang University has a schooling system of 4 years. The programs are delivered in Korean and English. Each academic year is divided into two semesters: spring and fall. The semester is sixteen-weeks long and each semester starts in March and September. The undergraduate program consists of 27 departments in 9 schools.
서강대학교 국제팀 메인페이지
oia.sogang.ac.kr서강대학교 국제팀 사이트 메인페이지. 공지 [국제학생] [중요공지] 해외입국자 PCR 음성확인서 제출 기준 변경 안내/ Changes in Pre-departure Negative Covid19 Test Requirements for Inbond Travelers NEW 2022.01.17; 공지 [국제학생] [중요공지] 코로나19 예방접종완료자 대상 등록외국인 재입국허가제도 변경 운영
Admissions - gsis.sogang.ac.kr
gsis.sogang.ac.kr › gsis › gsis02_02- The applicant needs to transfer the fee to the below bank account. (The transaction commission fee is in your charge.) Please do not enclose cash or check in the application package since it might be lost. After you transfer the fee to the account, please send an e-mail to gsis@sogang.ac.kr. - Application fee is not refunded in any events.
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center
klec.sogang.ac.krThe transfer should be made by the applicant’s name. If not possible, please write a sender’s name on MEMO in ‘Request for Payment Check’. When you are making an international transfer, please write “Sogang University” only. If you write any other memo, the transfer process and thus the registration process will be delayed.
wwwe - Rules & Regulations - Sogang University
https://wwwe.sogang.ac.kr/wwwe/rules.htmlIncluded in the limit on the number of academic years for transfer admission or readmission students shall be the semester recognized by Sogang University at the time of their transfer admission or readmission. Academic Year, Semester, Class Days and Holidays The academic year begins on March 1 and ends at the end of February of the following year.