Graduate School - Admission - Sogang › egradsch › egradsch02_1Admission of International Students for 2022 Spring semester will be processed by following the admission guide. ※ Due to the spread of Covid-19, outsiders are not allowed to enter the school, so please send the relevant document by REGISTERED MAIL. ※ [Attachments] Required Documents for Admission must be submitted. 2021. 11. 10 (Wed) 09:00 ...
GSIS - Admissions -, Sogang GSIS recruits about O students for Ph.D. program in the three fields of major mentioned above except Korea & East Asia for Spring semester, 2022. All courses and academic activities are conducted in English and about 120 international students from 32 countries are studying at Sogang GSIS, as of September, 2022. 2. Qualification
wwwe - Admissions - Sogang University › wwwe › admissionprogramsThe undergraduate program at Sogang University has a schooling system of 4 years. The programs are delivered in Korean and English. Each academic year is divided into two semesters: spring and fall. The semester is sixteen-weeks long and each semester starts in March and September. The undergraduate program consists of 27 departments in 9 schools.
GSIS - Admissions - › gsis › gsis02_02_1Also, Sogang GSIS recruits about O students for Ph.D. program in the three fields of major mentioned above except Korea & East Asia for Spring semester, 2022. All courses and academic activities are conducted in English and about 120 international students from 32 countries are studying at Sogang GSIS, as of September, 2022.
wwwe - Admissions - Sogang University undergraduate program at Sogang University has a schooling system of 4 years. The programs are delivered in Korean and English. Each academic year is divided into two semesters: spring and fall. The semester is sixteen-weeks long and each semester starts in March and September. The undergraduate program consists of 27 departments in 9 schools.
Sogang - Online Application · Sogang University - Online Application. Exchange/Visiting Student Program is intended for students enrolled at overseas partner universities, which have a joint academic exchange agreement with. Sogang University.