14.09.2012 · Under Port To, enter the port you’d like to forward to. Often this is the same port, this action is redirecting the information to go directly to that port but specifically on your machine assigned to expedite the process. Click Save. If you want to add more forwards, click Add. If you are done, click Apply Settings.
Source IP—The source IP address for traffic from which traffic is forwarded (Any, Single Address or Address Range). Destination IP—The IP address of the server ...
08.05.2018 · Port forwarding is always the WAN interface. The source net is the address of the unit accessing the forwarded port. means everyone. Set it to and a station with that address only will be able to access the port.
13.05.2010 · Yes, client.net is the SSH server. remote.net:80 is the computer that you want to connect to via the SSH tunnel. As you state, any request to localhost:10000 will be sent to client.net via SSH which will then forward the request to remote.net:80. Therefore there is no direct connection between localhost and remote.net. –
08.04.2013 · PassPort port forwarding utility Win XP. PassPort is a simple port forwarding utility. The program runs as an NT Service and can forward various ports from any of local interfaces to whatever remote IP address. It is easily manageable with a simple Windows GUI. Runs on MS Windows XP or newer. Port Forward.
Port forwarding tillater eksterne datamaskiner, for eksempel datamaskiner på Internett, å koble til en bestemt maskin eller tjeneste innen et privat lokalt ...