web.mit.edu › calculix_v2 › CalculiXdefines a static step and selects the SPOOLES solver as linear equation solver in the step (default). If the step is a linear one, the other parameters are of no importance. If the step is nonlinear, the second line indicates that the initial time increment is .1 and the total step time is 1.
Choosing the Right Linear System Solver
doc.comsol.com › comsol_ref_solverThe SPOOLES solver works on general systems of the form Ax = b using the multifrontal method and direct LU factorization of the sparse matrix A. When the matrix A is symmetric or Hermitian, the solver uses an LDLT version of the algorithm, which saves half the memory. SPOOLES uses several preordering algorithms to permute the columns and ...
GitHub - starseeker/SPOOLES: CMake build system for ...
https://github.com/starseeker/SPOOLES24.04.2013 · Eigen.ps.gz --- "Integrating the SPOOLES 2.2 Sparse Linear Algebra Library into the LANCZOS Block-Shifted Lanczos Eigensolver", 42 pages, documents a set of software objects written to incorporate the SPOOLES linear solver into an eigenanalysis package, also funded by DARPA contract DABT63-95-C-0122 and the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization …
Direct Solvers for Sparse Matrices X. Li June 2020
portal.nersc.gov › project › sparseSPOOLES Left-looking Sym, Sym-pat, QR Ashcraft [5] SuperLU DIST Right-looking Unsym, GPU Li [31] symPACK Left-Right looking SPD Jacquelin [38] S+ Right-lookingy Unsym Yang [22] WSMP Multifrontal SPD, Unsym Gupta [27] Table 1: Software to solve sparse linear systems using direct methods. y Uses QR storage to statically accommodate any LU ll-in