Subject and Object Relative Clauses › bookdata › engines• Sentences with relative clauses can be thought of as a combination of two sentences, i.e., as a shorter way of saying the same thing. • Subject relative clauses: The relative pronoun takes the place of the subject of the clause (e.g., ). she It is followed by a verb. The verb agrees with the noun that the clause modifies.
It Subject Clause | Grammar Quizzes of extraposition and existential constructions are it and there. They are dummy elements without any real semantic content. It is the extraposed subject and the that-clause is the displaced subject. (Huddleston 14 §7.1) Extraposed object. (Huddleston 11 §4.3.2) I find that he tried to take my dog surprising.
It Subject Clause | Grammar Quizzes › clause6Preparatory subject (Swan 446) When subject of a clause is an infinitive expression, we prefer to reword it with a 'preparatory subject' (long or complicated items are often put towards the end of a sentence –512) : It's nice to talk to you. When subject of a clause is a clause: It's possible that we'll be late.