Pytorch notes: tensorboardx · 1 SummaryWriter 1.1 establish . First , You need to create a SummaryWriter An example of : from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter # Here are three different initialization methods SummaryWriter Methods writer1 = SummaryWriter('runs/exp') # Provide a path , This path will be used to save the log writer2 = SummaryWriter() # No parameter , Default will use …
Pytorch notes: tensorboardx › 2022/01/202201041411217850Jan 04, 2022 · 1 SummaryWriter 1.1 establish . First , You need to create a SummaryWriter An example of : from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter # Here are three different initialization methods SummaryWriter Methods writer1 = SummaryWriter('runs/exp') # Provide a path , This path will be used to save the log writer2 = SummaryWriter() # No parameter , Default will use runs/ Date time Path to save the log ...
Tutorials — tensorboardX documentation › en › latestfrom tensorboardX import SummaryWriter #SummaryWriter encapsulates everything writer = SummaryWriter ('runs/exp-1') #creates writer object. The log will be saved in 'runs/exp-1' writer2 = SummaryWriter #creates writer2 object with auto generated file name, the dir will be something like 'runs/Aug20-17-20-33' writer3 = SummaryWriter (comment = '3x learning rate') #creates writer3 object with ...