19/02/2020 8:16:16 PM :: Error: Failed to call RPC function 'FcCreateDir': The user name or password is incorrect. Cannot create folder. Folder path: [\\synology\virtualmachines\HighPriority]. I re-ran the backup and same results, but this time the VMs that successfully backed up failed and vice versa.
The user name or password that is specified for the identity may be incorrect, or the user may not have batch logon rights. If the identity is not corrected, the application pool will be disabled when the application pool receives its first request.
19.12.2017 · I have confirmed that user@brokendomain.com is the correct AAD UPN, and that it matches the UPN in the local domain as well (logging in as the user, and running whoami /upn). Mapping the user names would work as a fix, I suppose, if I was able to do it globally -- but that won't work since it's simple string replacement.
26.02.2018 · - in the wizard I can enter name and password, and it is accepted, but when I start the actual job it is claiming bad username / password and backup job fails. What's funny: the folder for backup is created by veeam, it is only empty. - when I do enter the path as: \\szuflada\backups\my_machine it magically works.
03.05.2018 · Veeam uses wrong credentials. by chivo243. This person is a ... Win32 error:Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. Code: 1326 ' I have many stand alone servers successfully backed up by Veeam, those credentials are in credential manager in Veeam as well as the correct credentials for the new VM.
27.06.2014 · Credentials Manager for Veeam Backup & Replication . All accounts used by Veeam Backup & Replication are centrally managed from the Credentials Manager.If an account's password has been changed, open the Credentials Manager and updates the entry for that account.
13.06.2017 · Your first attempt with -Credential "LON\my-user" can't work, but your second attempt is correct, building the object of class PSCredential, as required (see the type in Get-Help Start-Process -Parameter Credential, it is PSCredential and not String).I tried the same with some reused code here, and it works here both or CMD and PS1 calling a PS1 test script via …
15.08.2018 · Veeam VeeamZip “Failed to process [isFileExists] ... $ cred = Get-VBRCredentials-Name "DOMAIN\Admin" ... Only there’s another snag: the provided PowerShell script doesn’t do anything with credentials as the parameter is missing. We can fix that by adding it …
07.10.2015 · The user name or password is incorrect-Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
01.09.2016 · The ProcessStartInfo.Password is not a simple string that you can write down and assign to the property. What you need is a SecureString instance and a SecureString cannot be created passing a simple string to its constructor. Obviously the OS has no API or method that allows a non trusted program to retrieve the password of the current user (it would be the …