pytorch中数据采样方法Sampler源码解析_Artificial Idiot-CSDN博 … · (self.indices[i] for i in torch.randperm(len(self.indices))) 1 其中 torch.randperm 对数组随机排序 indices为给定的下标数组 所以 SubsetRandomSampler 的功能是在给定一个数据集下标后,对该下标数组随机排序,然后不放回取样 for i in SubsetRandomSampler(t): print(i,end=',') 1 2 输出: 2,6,1,7,4,3,0,5,8,9, 1 WeightedRandomSampler加权随机采样 …
Random Sampler Implementation - PyTorch Forums › t › random-samplerMay 31, 2018 · I decided to implement a random sampler by myself. As I am testing my own sampling strategy against random sampling and other sampling mechanisms. I tried to implement by random sampling strategy based on RandomSampler method. But the results are vastly different I am getting a test accuracy of 15%. But the expected test accuracy is 95%. I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. import torch ...
How to use RandomSampler - PyTorch Forums › t › how-to-use-randomsamplerFeb 01, 2020 · Ubuntu 18.04 or Mac OS Catalina, Python 3.7, PyTorch 1.4.0 I try to sample from a dataset using predefined indices, SubsetRandomSampler works as expected, RandomSampler does not work as expected, I check the source code, and it seems RandomSampler is just using the length of the data_source argument and the samples has nothing to do with data_source, can anyone help me understand what is the ...
Class RandomSampler — PyTorch master documentation › cppdocs › apiRandomSampler (int64_t size, Dtype index_dtype = torch::kInt64) ¶ Constructs a RandomSampler with a size and dtype for the stored indices. The constructor will eagerly allocate all required indices, which is the sequence 0... size-1. index_dtype is the data type of the stored indices. You can change it to influence memory usage. ~RandomSampler ...