— torchtext 0.8.0 documentation › text › _modulesUse - 1 for CPU and None for the currently active GPU device. root: The root directory that contains the imdb dataset subdirectory vectors: one of the available pretrained vectors or a list with each element one of the available pretrained vectors (see Vocab.load_vectors) Remaining keyword arguments: Passed to the splits method. """ TEXT = data ...
torchtext.datasets.sst — torchtext 0.8.0 documentation › text › _modulesArguments: batch_size: Batch_size device: Device to create batches on. Use - 1 for CPU and None for the currently active GPU device. root: The root directory that the dataset's zip archive will be expanded into; therefore the directory in whose trees subdirectory the data files will be stored. vectors: one of the available pretrained vectors or ...
Load datasets with TorchText › dltips › enFeb 02, 2020 · With TorchText using an included dataset like IMDb is straightforward, as shown in the following example: TEXT = data.Field() LABEL = data.LabelField() train_data, test_data = datasets.IMDB.splits(TEXT, LABEL) train_data, valid_data = train_data.split() We can also load other data format with TorchText like csv / tsv or json. CSV / TSV
torchtext.datasets — torchtext 0.11.0 documentation › text › stabletorchtext.datasets.AG_NEWS (root='.data', split=('train', 'test')) [source] ¶ AG_NEWS dataset. Separately returns the train/test split. Number of lines per split: train: 120000. test: 7600. Number of classes. 4. Parameters. root – Directory where the datasets are saved. Default: .data. split – split or splits to be returned. Can be a ...