4k streaming on Twitch? : Twitch
www.reddit.com › r › TwitchBut personally i think having option to stream or watch 4k stream is nice, but not necessary. Most people stream at 720p, and mobile viewers are a huge number on twitch, and on mobile 720p is standard for big majority of devices. Anyways, there is a lot going on, when it comes to 4K streaming, thats kinda complicated so yeah.
Twitch allows lossless 4k streaming? : Twitch
www.reddit.com › r › Twitchtwitch.tv/Cpt_Cross. I guess it depends on where you are living (and server you're using) but most people can't care less about 4k lossless since that would drop their viewers of they don't have transcoders. 1080p60fps is just right for most of the people, streamer or viewers to. But that's my 2 cents. 3.
4K on twitch? : Twitch - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › Twitch3ventic. · 4y. Twitch Staff. It's possible but not recommended. Very few viewers would benefit from it and the bitrate required for anything that moves a lot would be quite a bit higher than the current recommended. Tried it once, won't be doing it again until 4k is much more common and connection speeds improve. 9.