SnitchDNS : Database Driven DNS Server With A Web UI · SnitchDNS is a database driven DNS Server with a Web UI, written in Python and Twisted, that makes DNS administration easier with all configuration changed applied instantly without restarting any system services.. One of its main features is the logging of all DNS queries allowing the discovery of network traffic endpoints, and it can also be used to implement …
ServerGUI - Community Help Wiki - Ubuntu Ubuntu Server developers recommend not installing a GUI on a server. There are multiple reasons for not installing a GUI. Some reasons to not install a GUI include: You'll have more code subject to security vulnerabilities, more packages that need updating, and more server downtime. Performance may suffer because resources (memory, hard ...
Ubuntu Server GUIs – ThisHosting.Rocks › ubuntu-server-guisOct 19, 2021 · Windows server has a gui, Mac server has a gui, Xerox has a gui, IBM mainframes have gui’s. It just seems like the linux nerd royal guard are stuck in the ms-dos 2.11 days. I think the commans line has its place and time but to say that resources get killed by the gui harkens back to windows 3.0.
How to Set DNS Nameserver on Ubuntu 20.04 › kb › ubuntu-dns-nameserversMay 18, 2021 · Change DNS Nameserver via Config File. If you do not use a GUI, change DNS settings with the command line Netplan tool. 1. Go to the Netplan directory: cd /etc/netplan. 2. List the directory contents with ls to see the name of the yaml file containing network configuration. Open the file in a text editor. Your file may have a different name.