easy_uci/easy_uci.c at master · H2NCH2COOH/easy_uci · GitHub
github.com › H2NCH2COOH › easy_uciuci_foreach_element (&opt-> v. list,e) {++count;} if (count> 0) {ss= malloc (sizeof (char *)*count); if (ss== NULL) {snprintf (err_msg, sizeof (err_msg), " Failed malloc at %s: %d ",__FILE__,__LINE__); goto error_msg;} count= 0; uci_foreach_element (&opt-> v. list,e) {ss[count]= strdup (e-> name); if (ss[count]== NULL) {LogE (err_msg); for (--count;count>= 0;--count) {free (ss[count]);}
Sources/uci/list.c - lxr.openwrt.org
https://lxr.openwrt.org/source/uci/list.cThis is used as reference 161 * when locating or updating the section from apps/scripts. 162 * To make multiple concurrent versions somewhat safe for updating, 163 * the name is generated from a hash of its type and name/value 164 * pairs of its option, and it is prefixed by a counter value. 165 * If the order of the unnamed sections changes for some reason, 166 * updates to them …
Sources/uci/uci.h - OpenWrt
https://lxr.openwrt.org/source/uci/uci.hOtherwise it will return UCI_OK. 161 * 162 * Note that failures in looking up other parts, if they are also specfied, 163 * including section and option, will also have a return value UCI_OK but with 164 * ptr->flags * UCI_LOOKUP_COMPLETE not set. 165 */ 166 extern int uci_lookup_ptr(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr, char *str, bool extended); 167 168 /** 169 * …
uci/uci.c at master · jkjuopperi/uci · GitHub
github.com › jkjuopperi › uciuci_foreach_element (&o-> v. list, e) {i++; lua_pushstring (L, e-> name); lua_rawseti (L, - 2, i);} break; default: lua_pushnil (L); break;}} static void: uci_push_section (lua_State *L, struct uci_section *s, int index) {struct uci_element *e; lua_newtable (L); lua_pushboolean (L, s-> anonymous); lua_setfield (L, - 2, ".anonymous "); lua_pushstring (L, s-> type);
Sources/uci/uci.h - OpenWrt
lxr.openwrt.org › source › uciOtherwise it will return UCI_OK. 161 * 162 * Note that failures in looking up other parts, if they are also specfied, 163 * including section and option, will also have a return value UCI_OK but with 164 * ptr->flags * UCI_LOOKUP_COMPLETE not set. 165 */ 166 extern int uci_lookup_ptr(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr, char *str, bool ...