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unification algorithm

Uni cation algorithm - CSE
www.cse.iitk.ac.in › Unification-algorithm
other uni ers ˝is a specialisation of ˝ . In this lecture we develop an algorithm to compute the most general uni er of two types ˝ 1 and ˝ 2. > {- | Module defining the unification algorithm -} > > module Unification where > import Lambda -- See the last lecture > import qualified Data.Map as M -- To define specialisation. > import Data.Either
Notes: Unification - Computer Science
www.cs.trincoll.edu › ~ram › cpsc352
Notes: Unification In order to apply the rules of inference, an inference system must be able to determine when two expressions match. Unification is an algorithm for determining the substitutions needed to make two predicate calculus expressions match. The algorithm described here is essentially the one used in the PROLOG language, which we ...
An Efficient Unification Algorithm
www.nsl.com › misc › papers
A new unification algorithm, characterized by having the acyclicity test efficiently embedded into it, is derived from the nondeter- ministic one, and a PASCAL implementation is given. A comparison with other well-known unification algorithms shows that the algorithm described here performs well in all cases.
13.4.3 Unification - Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of ...
https://artint.info › html
The unification algorithm is given in Figure 13.3. E E is a set of equality statements implying the unification, ...
Unification Algorithm
https://basics.sjtu.edu.cn › seminars › c_chu › Alg...
The unification problem in first-order logic can be expressed as follows: Given two terms containing some variables, find, if it exists, the.
https://www.dai.ed.ac.uk › node12
The unification algorithm in Prolog is roughly this: df:un Given two terms and which are to be unified: If and are constants (i.e. atoms or numbers) then if ...
Notes: Unification - Computer Science
CPSC 352 -- Artificial Intelligence Notes: Unification In order to apply the rules of inference, an inference system must be able to determine when two expressions match.Unification is an algorithm for determining the substitutions needed to make two predicate calculus expressions match. The algorithm described here is essentially the one used in the PROLOG language, which …
An Efficient Unification Algorithm
The unification algorithm as originally proposed can be extremely ineffi- cient; therefore, many attempts have been made to find more efficient algorithms [2, 7, 13, 15, 16, 22]. Unification algorithms have also been extended to the case of higher order logic [8 ...
Unification in First-order logic - Javatpoint
The UNIFY algorithm is used for unification, which takes two atomic sentences and returns a unifier for those sentences (If any exist). Unification is a key component of all first-order inference algorithms. It returns fail if the expressions do not match with each other. The substitution variables are called Most General Unifier or MGU. E.g.
Unification Algorithm - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
www.sciencedirect.com › unification-algorithm
The unification algorithm is no longer minimal, and the same solutions may be computed repeatedly. Schmidt [1998 a ] presents improved unification rules for transitivity, where the world paths are unified mainly from left to right, thus reducing the branching rate of the unification tree.
Anti-unification (computer science) - Wikipedia
Anti-unification is the process of constructing a generalization common to two given symbolic expressions. As in unification, several frameworks are distinguished depending on which expressions (also called terms) are allowed, and which expressions are considered equal. If variables representing functions are allowed in an expression, the process is called "higher-order anti-unification", otherwise "first-order anti-unification". If the generalization is required to have a…
f# - What is a unification algorithm? - Stack Overflow
14.03.2012 · Well I know it might sound a bit strange but yes my question is: "What is a unification algorithm". Well, I am trying to develop an application in F# to act like Prolog. It should take a series of facts and process them when making queries. I was suggested to get started in implementing a good unification algorithm but did not have a clue about ...
Unification - Eli Bendersky's website
https://eli.thegreenplace.net › unifi...
unify is the main function driving the algorithm. It looks for a substitution, which is a Python dict mapping variable names to terms. When ...
Unification Algorithm - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The unification algorithm presented in [Otten and Kreitz 2001] uses constraints to characterize variable substitutions. Several substitutions are characterized by a single constraint for each prefix. The constraints are introduced step by step for each equation, and if the resulting set of constraints is consistent, there is at least one unifier for all equations.
Verifying the Unification Algorithm in LCF - arXiv
https://arxiv.org › pdf
Us- ing the interactive theorem prover LCF [12], I have verified both the unification algorithm and the theory of substitutions. The project has grown too large ...
Unification Algorithms - King's College London
https://nms.kcl.ac.uk › papers › slides-TCS-SOUP
To find the most general unifier for a unification problem, the algorithm simplifies the set of equations until a substitution is generated. The way equations ...
Unification (computer science) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › U...
A unification algorithm should compute for a given problem a complete, and minimal substitution set, that is, a set covering all ...
Lecture 26: Type Inference and Unification
The unification algorithm consists of two mutually recursive procedures unify and unify_one, which try to unify a list of pairs and a single pair, respectively. The result of the computation is the most general unifier for the list of pairs or the pair, respectively.
Unification in First-order logic - Javatpoint
https://www.javatpoint.com › ai-un...
What is Unification? · The UNIFY algorithm is used for unification, which takes two atomic sentences and returns a unifier for those sentences (If any exist).
A unification algorithm
https://www.cmi.ac.in › node113
A unification algorithm ... The algorithm to find a most general unifier proceeds as follows. ... Perform the following transformations on the set of equations so ...
Unification (computer science) - Wikipedia
In logic and computer science, unification is an algorithmic process of solving equations between symbolic expressions. Depending on which expressions (also called terms) are allowed to occur in an equation set (also called unification problem), and which expressions are considered equal, several frameworks of unification are distinguished. If higher-order variables, that is, variables representing functions, ar…
A unification algorithm - Chennai Mathematical Institute
A unification algorithm. The algorithm to find a most general unifier proceeds as follows. We begin with a set of equations . Perform the following transformations on the set of equations so long as any one of them is applicable. Transform , where is …
Unification in First-order logic - Javatpoint
www.javatpoint.com › ai-unification-in-first-order
The UNIFY algorithm is used for unification, which takes two atomic sentences and returns a unifier for those sentences (If any exist). Unification is a key component of all first-order inference algorithms. It returns fail if the expressions do not match with each other. The substitution variables are called Most General Unifier or MGU. E.g.