04.07.2019 · sudo apt install apache2 -y Copy. 3. With Apache2 installed to our Raspberry Pi, we now have an extremely basic web server up and running. The server will be able to provide non-dynamic content such as HTML files. In the next section, we will be extending this basic Apache web server by installing PHP to the Raspberry Pi.
May 02, 2020 · sudo apt- get --purge remove <package> above <package> is the name of the package you want to uninstall. Suppose you want to remove the first package of synaptic you installed and you want to manually uninstall packages one by one by this method you can type the below command. sudo apt- get --purge remove synaptic
I need to completely remove apache2 but no matter what I do I still get the default ubuntu page and when I run a nodejs app it will say port 80 is in use. I tried the usual suggested in other apa...
24.10.2020 · Here is how you remove Apache2 cleanly on Ubuntu and Debian. The first step is to stop any running instance of Apache2, because Apache2 will not be properly removed while it is running. $ sudo service apache2 stop. Then uninstall Apache2 and its dependent packages. Use purge option instead of remove option with apt-get command.
Try sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2 and then sudo apt-get autoremove. I had that same thing with emacs due to it installing other dependencies. emacs would still be there after --purge remove. Autoremove helped removing the dependencies which were installed with emacs. Share Improve this answer edited May 30, 2015 at 10:10 Ghanima ♦ 15.4k 15 57
– How to uninstall applications from your Raspberry Pi. – More generally, how to gain more space on your SD card. If you need help getting started on Raspberry Pi, I have an entire course to guide you through your first steps. I’ll help you use the perfect hardware, plug everything in and install your first system.
02.11.2019 · I have a Raspberry pi 3 B. I currently have apache2 installed in /usr/sbin/apache2. I cannot remember if I installed this myself - I don't remember doing so - but perhaps I did, since it is located in /usr/sbin and not /usr/bin. I tried to configure apache2 as part of a project and messed things up and I would now like to uninstall it.
Oct 24, 2020 · The first step is to stop any running instance of Apache2, because Apache2 will not be properly removed while it is running. $ sudo service apache2 stop Then uninstall Apache2 and its dependent packages. Use purge option instead of remove option with apt-get command.
11.03.2016 · Re: uninstall apache2. Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:31 pm. Code: Select all. sudo apt-get purge <program name>. There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't. nikel. Posts: 21. Joined: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:50 am.
10.01.2021 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to install an Apache web server on a Raspberry Pi. I am using a Raspberry Pi 4, but any model should work. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a basic Apache website running on your Raspberry Pi. Let’s get started. 1. Update Your System. First things first.
Type sudo apt-get purge apache2* This will get rid of all packages starting with apache2, then Type sudo apt-get autoremove It'll uninstall the packages that were installed by other packages and no longer needed. Then install apache. Hope this works. Share Improve this answer answered Jul 17, 2015 at 18:33 Tolga Varol 195 1 12 Add a comment
26.03.2020 · I've tried apache2 con Raspbian. Now I've removed it using: Code: Select all. sudo apt-get remove apache2 && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean. After a reboot, when I do a. Code: Select all. locate apache2. the output is:
I installed Apache2 to my raspberry pi model b to see how it worked on a low powered device. When I tried to access my Chorus webserver the following day I ...
Uninstall apache2 raspberry pi. 99. Then install apache. Here's what you'll need to set up your own jukebox on a Raspberry Pi. list Change wheezy to jessie, ...
I installed Apache 2 on my Raspberry Pi but was not able to configure it properly. I then tried to remove it and install again. To remove it I used the command sudo apt-get purge apache2 and then deleted the directory /etc/apache2 with the command rm -r apache2.. The problem is that now when I'm trying to reinstall Apache it is not creating the directory in /etc.
I need to completely remove apache2 but no matter what I do I still get the default ubuntu page and when I run a nodejs app it will say port 80 is in use. I tried the usual suggested in other apa...