Internal DNS on USG : Ubiquiti › 9q513g › internal_dns_on_usgDNS on a USG (or edgerouter) will only bring tears, especially if you want things to resolve by a user set hostname. There's an epic thread on this on the ubnt forums right now with a mostly milquetoast response from ubnt saying that it can't work the way users are wanting it to, despite using dnsmasq under the hood, which numerous other Soho routers use and have no issue.
UniFi USG DNS not working with DHCP clients : Ubiquiti › r › UbiquitiBut clients just don't behave that way in dns. And if your local dns server on the usg goes down, then I doubt you'll be able to reach anyways (as the whole usg is likely down). Either way, the usg will use to get any records it doesn't know itself, so you're probably already getting the dns behavior you're looking for.