Vard Electro AS - VARD Electro is a globally recognized and trusted provider and advisor of marine electrical systems. Its offer includes an extensive set of services during the lifetime of a vessel, from design via installation, integration testing and commissioning to remote diagnostics, conversions and hands-on services on board the vessel. The company is based in Tennfjord, Norway and has …
Home - VARD
www.vard.comNov 18, 2021 · VARD has designed and built highly specialized and advanced vessels for decades. Our competence center of specialists pushes the boundaries of functionality and technical solutions of our ship designs. We find sustainable solutions to improve the cost efficiency of a ship and its operations that reduces emissions, without compromising on the ...
Vard Group AS, Headquarter - VARD › location › norwayVARD is one of the major global designers and shipbuilders of specialized vessels. VARD operates seven shipyards as well as subsidiary companies in the areas of design, electro, piping, accommodation and handling systems. Our head office is located in Ålesund, Norway.
Om oss - Vard Aqua har etablert en sterk posisjon som leverandør av fartøy og løsninger av høy kvalitet i flere ulike markeder. Vi har siden 2016 , styrket vårt tilbud og vår satsing innen havbruk, blant annet gjennom utstyrsleverandøren Vard Aqua (tidligere Storvik Aqua). Vi utvikler nye løsninger som støtter næringens ambisjon om bærekraftig og sunn forretningsmessig drift, […]
Vard Electro AS - VARD › location › norwayVard Electro AS. Vard Electro is a globally recognized and trusted provider and advisor of marine electrical systems. Its offer includes an extensive set of services during the lifetime of a vessel, from design via installation, integration testing and commissioning to remote diagnostics, conversions and hands-on services on board the vessel.
Vard Group – Wikipedia Group AS, tidligere STX Europe, er et skipsverftskonsern med hovedkontor i Ålesund. Den italienske verftsgruppen Fincantieri er majoritetseier i konsernet. Vard eier fem skipsverft i Norge, ett i Brasil, to i Romania og ett i Vietnam. De norske verftene heter Vard Aukra, Vard Brattvaag, Vard Brevik, Vard Langsten og Vard Søviknes.
Contact us - VARD contact the right person or team in VARD, we can only answer relevant enquiries. If you have a service request related to SeaQ, please call Vard Electro 24/7 Service phone.
About us - VARD › about-usVARD is a global creator of specialized vessels. VARD’s tradition for designing and building vessels that enable our customers to take advantage of opportunities at sea in a sustainable way, is long standing. Our culture for innovation, technology coupled with global operations experience, and a profound understanding of what it takes to create complex and customized vessels, form the basis ...
Shipbuilding - VARD shipbuilding. VARD's entire value-chain capability, from design and engineering to advanced marine electronics and interiors, is fully integrated into the shipbuilding process across our global footprint of yards. Our family of specialist business units works together seamlessly to ensure project continuity and product excellence.
Home - VARD
https://www.vard.com18.11.2021 · VARD has designed and built highly specialized and advanced vessels for decades. Our competence center of specialists pushes the boundaries of functionality and technical solutions of our ship designs. We find sustainable solutions to improve the cost efficiency of a ship and its operations that reduces emissions, without compromising on the ...
Vard Haugesund
https://www.vard.noSK Vard Haugesund. ... Rotete kamp i Vea Indoore Arena - der Vard var nærmest seier. ... Hele Norsk Tippings overskudd går til samfunnsnyttige formål.
VARD: Home
https://www.vard.comFull-service designer of specialized vessels ... VARD has designed and built highly specialized and advanced vessels for decades. Our competence center of ...