22.12.2021 · Stages of Rescan [For VMware, NAS, Veeam Agent integration] General infrastructure; Receiving storage system information. Defining the storage system data hierarchy (volumes, shares, LUNs, snapshots). Getting the information about each volume added to rescan scope (name, ID, size, SCSI Unique ID for LUNs, local paths for shares).
02.12.2021 · To configure a network-based discovery rule: Log in to Veeam Service Provider Console. For details, see Accessing Veeam Service Provider Console. In the menu on the left, click Discovery > Discovered Computers > Rules. At the top of the list, click New and select Windows. Veeam Service Provider Console will launch the New Windows Discovery Rule ...
10.12.2021 · For automated discovery of protected computers, Veeam Backup & Replication uses the rescan job that runs on the backup server. Veeam Backup & Replication automatically creates this job once you create the first protection group in the inventory. The rescan job runs upon schedule defined individually for every protection group in the protection group settings.
::attempt to use the Veeam Powershell snapin, fails on access denied error, just as in the logs. This is not an N-able N-central Agent problem. C:\Windows\ ...
05.10.2021 · This agent is responsible for performing various types of tasks during the discovery and installation procedures, such as collecting information about discovered computers, installing Veeam Service Provider Console management agents on managed computers, downloading the Veeam backup agent setup file, uploading it to managed computers, and so on.
03.08.2020 · windows server 2008 Dc Replica are backed up to the Veeam server. Recently Replica back job is failing with Error: VSS control Error: VSScontrol -2147212543 Back up job failed. Discovery phase failed. Discovery phase failed. Cannot start empty snapshot set. VSS_E_BAD_STATE. Code. 0x80042301. I have tried : 1.
17.10.2019 · To learn more, see the Managing Instance Consumption by Veeam Agents section in the Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows User Guide. Click here to send feedback regarding this KB, or suggest content for a new KB.
15.10.2014 · Re: veeam agent managed session has failed unexpectedly. As usual, please reach out to our technical support team directly and let us know your case ID - this is the best way to get a solution asap. Please note, that according to Veeam forum rules, you should include a support case ID when posting about any technical issue, as requested when ...
This guide will cover deploying and managing Veeam Agents from a Veeam Backup and Replication ... You must specify a schedule for the discovery process.
Since the data (d:) drive on the VM is an scsi attached drive I am trying to use the Agent for Windows to backup the data on that drive from within the guest OS (Server 2016). Running Veeam Backup & Replication.
09.06.2021 · Yes thats right. As a test, I created a fresh win 10 VM and installed veeam B&R, disabled the firewall. Created a new protection group, added the IP address of the VM, did a credentials test, completed OK. Attempted a host rescan and it also failed at the same point.