Usage Prepare your NAS/Server: Install Docker, create a shared folder for the backups. Create a ssh key pair, e.g. ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096 Copy over the …
kjake/veeam-backup-repository. By kjake • Updated 5 days ago. A lightweight image to use a NAS as Veeam Backup Repository w/o changing the NAS. Container.
To export containers and its content, do the following: In the preview pane, select a container. On the Container tab, select Export Container > Export container to or right-click a container and select Export container to. In the Export Container window, in the Export to field, specify the destination location. To save only objects included in ...
28.06.2017 · I think the issue here is that from what I can see form a quick google, the VADP layer is not docker "volume driver" aware, therefor the only way to backup these types of volumes is going to be either to mount these volumes inside the VM and then replicate the contents at a file system level to another VM with traditional storage, but this is messy, or alternatively Veeam …
Contribute to t3easy/docker-veeam-backup-repository development by ... Prepare your NAS/Server: Install Docker, create a shared folder for the backups.
These functions are being used by the VMware Tools quiescence method wich are necessary for the Veeam backup (snapshot). In most cases there is a guest OS used which is not Docker/Kubernetes aware, and by that fact not supported. Probably a kernel wich uses a version of 2.6.32-24 and lower.
08.07.2018 · GitHub - Roukoswarf/docker-veeam: Docker Container compatible with Veeam Backup Agent System Setup You should have docker installed, and for wide port ranges, you will need # --userland-proxy=false Added to the ExecStart of dockerd in the docker service file. Building & Running
Hi I am looking for a way to backup my docker environment running on aarch64 Found the following container Its running but i ... Search within r/docker. r/docker. Log In Sign Up. User account menu. Found the internet! 0. Docker veeam agent. Close. 0. Posted by 3 months ago. Docker veeam agent. Hi I am looking for a way to backup my docker ...
The Veeam agent also requires the Veeam B&R server which is Windows only, so dockerizing that piece is much more involved and AFAIK requires Windows specific container implementation (someone please correct me if I am wrong), so all in all not sure Veeam is actually what you would be looking for.