KB1905: Change Managed Server Name/FQDN/IP in Veeam Backup ...
www.veeam.com › kb1905Jul 22, 2014 · This solution should only be used to change the vCenter Server hostname if it has changed, and not the database. If the Name/FQDN/IP of the vCenter changed due to a reinstall or upgrade, and a new vCenter database was used, the Ref-IDs will have changed. Due to the changed Ref-IDs you will need to follow the documented process in www.veeam.com/KB1299
KB2136: vCenter Migration Utility - Veeam Software
https://www.veeam.com/kb213608.06.2016 · Veeam Backup & Replication tracks Virtual Machines in its jobs by their Managed Object Reference ID (MoRef ID), which will change when a VM is moved to another vCenter, a new vCenter Database is used, or the VM is removed and re-added to vCenter inventory. Solution The Migration Tool is available here.
KB2136: vCenter Migration Utility - Veeam Software
www.veeam.com › kb2136Jun 08, 2016 · If Replication target vCenter is changed, you will need to manually map source VMs to their replicas. If for some reason you have already added the new vCenter or ran any jobs which will have added new Ref-IDs to the database, you can roll the Veeam Backup & Replication database back using the Configuration Restore function.