12.03.2013 · How to solve this problem. I found this easy solution in the Veeam Support Forums. Go to the license screen in Veeam Backup & Replication. Revoke the license of the ESXi host, and start the backup again. If all went well, the ESXi host gets a new Veeam license assigned and the Veeam backup is successful. Problem solved!!
I think this is a pretty generic error. I've pretty much pounded Google looking for some clues, but have not found anything. Anyone have a similar issue? BA and ...
21.02.2020 · The solution for this is to re-scan your vCenter or ESXi host where these jobs are connected. Go to the Backup Infrastructure tab find your vCenter and with right mouse click select scan. The re-scan will reassign the VMs and host IDs to Veeam, and you can rerun the job.
11.11.2014 · 1. When using backup to tape on a source job containing .vrb files, the jobs may fail with the error: MediaPool not found (id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).2. When enabling incremental mode i
17.12.2021 · This will pull a list of servers in a job of my choosing. In my example, the old ID for Legoland is listed as vm-228 in Veeam’s database. STEP 5: Adjust the ID’s in your Veeam Job. Here I will show how to adjust the old ID, vm-228, to the new ID pulled from STEP 3, vm-5583. CAUTION: Be VERY careful when executing the next command.
07.12.2018 · I'm running Veeam Backup & Replication on a backupserver with Windows Server 2016 Standard. The job ESXI_admin gives the error: Error: Host with id 'ce4b228d-7b21-4761-9a1c-4ff9f372955f' was not found I tried looking at the database VeeamBackup, the tables dbo.Folder_Host and dbo.Hosts but can not find the ID given above.
14.02.2017 · Veeam Error “PhysicalHost with id ‘xxxx…’ was not found” Allan Kjaer February 14, 2017 I had a customer that had some backup jobs that failed with this error “Task failed, Error: PhysicalHost with id ‘xxxx…’ was not found”, and it looks likethis. We found the host that this machine was running on, and this host was reinstalled.
27.07.2015 · VEEAM Error: host ‘192.xxx.xxx.xxx’ with type ESXI and parentId ‘x’ not found. Buenas, vamos con otro fallo que me llegado a encontrar en Veeam, parentId ‘x’ not found, que es fácil de solucionar aunque igual difícil de solucionar dependiendo de tu nivel de estrés o lo ofuscado que estés. Al crear una tarea, agrego la vM como ...
Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 5d adds support to install on top of Veeam ... Since the only entry found in the DB is in the table Hosts will remove from ...