09.09.2016 · Another possible reason for overflow is a very high data change rate, that can be resolved if you set up a higher snapshot size limit. I have start a new try. When the job is failed I found in a file in /tmp/veeam/ Backup_Full. Ok, so that piece of backup tells me that for some reason veeam has not managed to write ...
09.07.2021 · leading to a failed job and the error snapshot overflow The solution was to change few parameters in the veeam.ini file of the linux machine. We have changed the parameter location, the type of the snapshot and the limits of it in the veeam.ini file. Please create manually the folder for the snapshot file if it doesn't already exist.
I work at Veeam on the Veeam Agent for Linux project. ... to create new portions of snapstores as needed, otherwise, overflow, dump snapshots and no backup.
26.11.2021 · Open the Storage Infrastructure view. In the inventory pane, expand the storage system tree. Right-click the necessary volume and select Create Snapshot. In the New Storage Snapshot window, specify a name for the created snapshot and provide a description for the snapshot (if the snapshot description field is available).
15.03.2018 · Re: Snapshot overflow. Normally, in case of snapshot overflow Agent should attempt 3 retries, increasing snapshot data file size before each retry. If that has happened but the session still ends up with an overflow then please contact our support team directly so they can advise on how to tune your snapshot properly.