KB1887: Tape Jobs fail with I/O errors or (SCSI) Bus resets
www.veeam.com › kb1887May 13, 2014 · For all versions of Veeam B&R: Additionally you may need to increase StorPort timeouts by creating a "StorPort" key with entries for all tape devices. You can get DEVICEID & INSTANCE with the following PowerShell command: gwmi -class win32_tapedrive. Location: KLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\SCSI\ DEVICEID \ INSTANCE \Device Parameters\StorPort\.
Error Code 1117 - I/O error - Macrium Reflect
kb.macrium.com/KnowledgebaseArticle50130.aspx01.04.2013 · - Unable to read from disk - Error Code 1117 - The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. Description Error code 1117 is generated by the Windows operating system and is always caused by I/O (Input / Output) throughput issues with either the disk or the controller that it is attached to. Check the disk for possible errors